Too Much Thoughts?

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with your thoughts that you feel so tired and worn out? There are times when I can't control my head and my mind goes to all different directions thinking of new ideas of what if the world started like this or the world had something like that and a lot more ideas whether it be new inventions or who lives in space. It feels like I travel a lot even if I'm just laying on my bed. It feels like my mind is as big as the universe. And like the universe, I have my blackholes which are referring to my triggering memory. Things that I should not get near because I will not comeback if I come close.

Why was I given so many ideas that I keep blaming my hand for not being fast enough to write it all. It's like an idea flew over my head for a second then goes away instantly. Would you consider this a blessing or a curse? I certainly don't know if you ask me. All I know is that my head hurts when there's too much going on in my head. Sometimes, it's a burden and sometimes it's a blessing. To calm my doubt I tell myself that God wouldn't give me this kind of situation if I can't handle it. If you experience this too tell me how you conquer it.


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