
I had a dream. I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I was confused as to why I was there. My reflection looks back at me intently as if analyzing me. And then she scared me by doing something I didn't do, she smiled. She came out of the mirror reaching out for me and pulled me in. When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark room with light only coming from the mirrors inside our house. I looked at the mirror where I came in and saw my reflection outside giggling and looking at me. "Watch me", she said. Then she ran out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. She took a knife and went to my parents' bedroom calling out to my father, "Daddy, come here." When my daddy came she stabbed him with the knife and hid his body in the bathroom. Then she went to different parts of the house killing my family one by one. I switched from mirror to mirror crying and screaming at my reflection to stop but she won't listen and kept on laughing at me.She killed everyone of them and I couldn't stop her. Why was she doing this? I hate her. I hate myself. And then I realized, she was doing this out of fear.


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