Starter Kit to Who I Am

Hi Guys! I am Eli Yayne. My real name is Eliah Rayne G. Amoroso. I was born on March 14, 2000 in the beautiful country of Philippines! I am a victim of bullying since I was in elementary school until my grade 10th year which lead to my depression and anxiety disorder. Eversince that day that I was diagnosed with depression, my life changed. It started by me having low grades because of my one month absence due to being admitted to the hospital and my parents finding out about how i was bullied.

One day, I woke up with the passion to become a vlogger and a youtuber to inspire other people who were bullied and had depression to fight for their happiness and to see the bright side of life than committing suicide just like what I am doing right now. Why am I telling you this? I want people to know and see what goes in a depressed person's head and what we feel. Please do support me in encouraging to people to understand depressed people and for people for depression to see beauty in life.


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