June 3, 2018

Today, I don't know why but I've been feeling depressed again. Maybe it's because I keep forgetting my medicines at night. I don't know. I hate medicines though because anti-depressants have strong side effects like oversleeping and feeling like you want to vomit which is very hard when you're studying in school. That's why I really want to get better so I can stop taking medicines.

Sometimes, I feel like my family forgets that I have depression and anxiety disorder. It's either they don't realize that their actions and words really gives a big impact to me or they forget about how they can hurt me with their words from time to time. I'm scared to tell them though which is ironic since I'm so open when it comes to blogging in youtube. That's the reason why I tell details about me through videos than in person because it's easier to talk to cameras than real people.

We also went to church. I hope God heard my prayers. I really want to get better quickly but I better not get my hopes up because my expections might cause me an even greater depression than what I am feeling now.


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