I am scared of my own mind

From time to time I feel like someone is with me even though there's no one there. Especially when I feel depressed and hopeless, I feel as if there are voices telling me to give up life. Telling me do bad things to myself. I don't know if it was my own imagination or is someone really there. Whatever it is I feel scared. The voices come from my head. It feels like someone else lives in my head. I'm scared. So scared.

There are times when I'm scared to be alone because the voices keep bothering me, telling me death is better. They even follow me when I'm taking a bath. While I'm showering, I blink my eyes and she's there, a girl with black hair wearing a white dress. I blink again and she's gone. I blink again and she gets closer and disappears and reappears when I blink. That's why I'm scared of closing my eyes when I take a bath.

My most feared delusion is when I look in the mirror. I see myself. I don't like seeing myself, especially in the mirror when I'm alone. My reflection smiles back at me and evil can be seen from her eyes. She scares me. My mind is playing with me and I hate it.


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